Timmy and the Children

April 2010                        

        “Timmy” is representative of the children of our guests.   We have a house full of them today, eight all together, ranging from two to twelve.   A family with three teenagers left yesterday and two other families arrived today.  Tonight we host three separate families and our house is full to overflow but we love it.  Their parents have raised them to be joyful and well behaved.   Timmy, as you see in the photo above, loves to help.  At age he two puts a toy away when he gets another.  He has to be reminded but he responds willingly.   Becca, a little Irish girl age eight arrived two days ago and was delighted to find a bunk bed.  She beat her brothers to the top bunk and declared it hers.  In the morning she reported that she had “the best sleep of my whole life.”   Her brother, age six, was told about Jasmine, our turtle.  “Did you say a turtle?” he asked as he ran to the yard.  “And toys and books too!”  It was all too great.   

        The joy of the children is a joy to us as we seek to provide a home away from home.     

Jesús bendice a los niños

Mateo 19:13  Entonces le fueron presentados unos niños, para que pusiese las manos sobre ellos, y orase; y los discípulos les reprendieron.    14  Pero Jesús dijo: Dejad a los niños venir a mí, y no se lo impidáis; porque de los tales es el reino de los cielos.

El texto Bíblico ha sido tomado de la versión Reina-Valera © 1960 Sociedades Bíblicas en América Latina; © renovado 1988 Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas. Utilizado con permiso. Reina-Valera 1960™ es una marca registrada de la American Bible Society, y puede ser usada solamente bajo licencia.

The Little Children and Jesus

Matthew 19:13    Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them.   But the disciples rebuked those who brought them. 14    Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

The "NIV" and "New International Version" trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica. Use of either trademark requires the permission of Biblica.


© Robert Carpenter 2017