
November 26, 2009                        

Rachel wanted to put on a Thanksgiving dinner for the Tuesday Bible study ladies, so on the actual day, Thursday, November 26th; we took a 17-pound turkey and all the trimmings (except cranberries - “arándanos”  are hard to find here) to Mari’s house. After the study, we heated everything and nine women sat down to a great feast.  Since Thanksgiving is not a Spanish holiday Rachel explained how the Pilgrims gave thanks for God’s provision for them.  She then had everyone go around the table and say something they were thankful about. I got a little bit homesick then, missing the folks back home,

Desserts came out (there were seven for nine women!). We sat around and talked for one or two hours more and returned home about 5:00 p.m. Later, we had a second round of turkey with our husbands. It tasted just as good. The next day I cooked some pieces of turkey, so we’ve had several meals now. The rest goes into the freezer. Turkey soup comes later this week.

That evening, we set up a connection with Skype and had a long conversation with Robert’s parents. Later, in the evening during our second meal of turkey, Mary Woodward called. She wanted to invite us up to Seville for Christmas time, but we persuaded her to come visit us. We have been invited to Rosa and Norberto’s home for Christmas Eve—we’re looking forward to that!


© Robert Carpenter 2017